How to Fake Tan Your Back
When the weekend’s calling, it’s time to start your party prep – including a top-to-toe fake tan for a slayin’ bronzed glow. Yet as all glam gals know, self-tanning your back is tricky, unless of course, you have a patient boyfriend or BFF on hand to help! But don’t worry! We’ve got a few secrets to fake tanning your back that we’d love to share with you, to help you tan those hard-to-reach areas flawlessly every time. You’ll never need to worry about a patchy fake tan dilemma before a night out or beach hol ever again! Bring on those sexy backless party dresses and sassy bikinis, girls…

Here are three genius ways to fake tan your back:

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  1. Get clingy: Cut off a long strip of cling film, fold it in half lengthways, and apply a blob of fake tan to the middle of the strip. Take a hold of one end of the cling film in each hand, and carefully wrap it around your back so you don’t drop any fake tan. Then rub, rub, rub it from side to side (like how you’d towel off your back after a shower) to apply the tan all over your back!
  2. Get a handle on things: Take a loofah or back brush with a long handle, and place your tanning mitt over the top. Use a hair tie to hold the mitt securely in place. Then apply your fake tan to the mitt as normal and use your new long-reach tanning tool to get to every part of your back!
  3. Get our back tanning mitt: A mitt that’s specially designed for fake tanning your back?! No, you’re not dreaming – our best-selling Got Your Back tanning mitt is the ultimate answer to all of your back bronzing woes! You can use it as a normal self-tanning mitt, then use it across your back for a golden glow with minimum effort. 

Tanning tips for a glam glow

We’ve shared three fab tricks to fake tanning your back, but here are a few more top tanning tips. Every PB babe deserves the perfect tan!
  • Scrub up: Exfoliating your body and smoothing on moisturiser before applying self-tanner will help you to get the most even results. So always scrub up first – especially on your elbows and knees.
  • Less is more: Said no-one ever, right? Well when it comes to fake tan, it pays to apply it in layers, so you can build up to the depth you desire. You can add more, but taking it off is much harder!
  • Bend and snap: When applying fake tan over your elbows and knees, bend them and use a lighter touch with your mitt. Use light strokes over your ankles and feet too.
  • Treat your skin: A top quality self tanning product is essential – at PB we’re obsessed with Bellamianta’s luxury tanning mousses, lotions and oils that make our skin look and feel amazing!
So what are you waiting for, girls? Go ahead and slay all day with your flawless tan! Got any more tanning tips to share with us? Tweet us @bullguardbackup, and don’t forget to tag us in your hottest PB selfies over on Instagram!