Decorate Your Dressing Table Like A Pro
Are you bored of looking at the same four walls? Want to hit the reset button on your interiors, but don’t know where to start?

Slow down and pace yourself girl! Take baby steps and start small. Redecorating is no easy task, but making subtle tweaks to a small area of your home can take your mood from 0 to 100, real quick!

We recommend starting with your dressing area – an important space in any gal’s routine.
Let’s face it, we spend most of our time here. Whether we’re getting glam for a night out, cleansing and pampering, or taking those all-important selfies for the gram! Your dedicated pamper station should serve a functional purpose whilst also being aesthetically pleasing.

We’ve pulled together some handy tricks to achieve your dream dressing room. Follow these top tips and dreamy pics for ultimate dressing room inspo.

Invest in a chic table

Every glam station will require a tabletop. We recommend a chic and simple dressing table where you can put your make-up on and take it off.

If you’re after some extra storage space, why not opt for a chest of drawers? Choosing a chest of drawers at the right height can double up as a dressing table and even a desk.
You can pick up this exact table from IKEA!

Make a statement

Add a statement chair to match your chic make-up table. Go grand with a cocktail chair or save space by choosing a stool which you can tuck away under your dresser.

Play around with the texture and colour to really pop in your room. We recommend a velvet chair like the picture above to add some luxe to your dressing space.

Have a place for everything

It’s time to stop cluttering our dressing tables with endless bottles of lotions and potions. Have a spring clear-out and refresh your old make-up and skincare. Try adding more shelves to help you stay organised with more space.

Why not try getting creative using metallic jars to store your make-up brushes or use marbled and mirrored trays to display your favourite products.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all

Invest in a big statement mirror and never miss a photo op again!

Adding a mirror into your room can make your space look bigger than it is and provide a focal point.

Mix it up with a free-standing mirror or go for a mounted mirror hung above your dresser.

Lighting is key

Lighting is important, if not the most important aspect in any area of your home! This is definitely true when it comes to your dressing area.

Add some Hollywood glam by opting for a vanity mirror with LED lights or choose a lavish lamp for mood lighting to create a soothing atmosphere.

Make it unique

Your glam station is unique to you and should be a stress-free zone. Make it personal by adding subtle touches of things that make you happy!

Try adding some candles or diffusers of your favourite smells. Why not print out some pics of your fave moments with your BFFS or some motivational quotes from the gram and pop them in a frame? You could also try stacking some books or magazines to keep inspiration close by.

Send us snaps of your glam stations over on Twitter and Instagram @bullguardbackup.