5 Things to Do When You're Single on Valentine's Day
Single on Valentine’s day? Don’t worry babe, it’s a given that you’ve got bigger and better things to do. We all know that you’re too extra for a bang average meal and some sad looking roses. If you’re looking for something amaze to do on Valentine’s Day then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you want to go on a shopping spree with the girls or indulge in some me time, join us as we give you inspo on five things to do if you’re single on Valentine’s Day.
  1. Treat Your Self

  via GIPHY Had your eye on something for all of January, but not had the money to splash the cash? This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. After what has seemed like the longest wait EVER for payday, there’s finally money in the bank, so it’s time for some retail therapy. Whether you love nothing better than getting your steps in with a stop off for some lunch on your local high street or prefer shopping online when you’re chillin’ from the comfort of your home, it’s time to treat yourself to a little something-something.
  1. Have an Intense Tinder Sess

via GIPHY You’re maybe not going on a date on Valentine’s day, but that doesn’t mean you should go without a date on all of the other days of the year. Pour yourself a glass of Prosecco and get your swiping finger at the ready, it’s time to get matching!
  1. Start a New Tradition with your Girls

via GIPHY Make Valentine’s the day you’ve always wanted it to be! This is the year to start something new. It may be sending Valentine’s cards to all of your single friends, it may be having the gang over for a takeaway and wine, or it may be going to a new bar, restaurant or even city with your BFFs – the world is your oyster!
  1. Go for a Spa Day

via GIPHY We love a spa day at PB. With massages, pampering time, unreal treatments and some time to chill, we love, love, love a spa retreat. Get yourself booked in and get prepared to leave as your best self.
  1. Have Some Mother-Daughter Time

via GIPHY Our Mums will always be our one true love, so why not spend Valentine’s day with them and thank them for all of the support and unconditional love they’ve offered you over the years. Cook them their favourite dinner, or go for a manicure together because we all know that nothing beats spending time with these Goddesses. And if all else fails, it’s time to go into denial and pretend that it isn't even happening. It’s just another day for you to slay after all. What are your plans for Valentine’s day? Let us know by Tweeting us @pinkboutique. If you’re looking for something to wear then look no further than our Valentine’s Day occasion shop.